I cried this morning on my way to work.
No, it wasn’t because I was sad or because I had to drag myself into the office on a grey Monday morning.
As I sat in the bus, people and cars wooshing by, my brain asked itself the usual million questions, and one stuck out: “What’s the point?”. Then it came to me. I watched an episode of Bob’s Burgers that I had definitely seen before but forgotten.
Basically, Bob’s youngest child Louise is up late because she has to catch up on homework that she can’t figure out. The usual: “What do you want to be when you grow up”- question. As kids, most of us had amazing imaginations of what our adult lives would look like, but for the rest of us and 9-year-old Louise, it felt hard.
The whole family chime in and tell incredible stories about how they think she will use her rascality to her advantage to have an exciting adult life. However, this doesn’t cheer her up until her dad, Bob, speaks. He tells her that maybe she won’t be or do anything special at first, and that’s okay because this isn’t necessarily a permanent condition. Coined perfectly by him: “Just because you stop growing doesn't mean you stop growing.”
He tells her about the repetition and mundaneness of adult life: work, eat, sleep, repeat, and maybe have a few friends sprinkled in there sometimes. And then, he twists it with an adventure where she saves the cows and subsequently, the world.
At first, it felt sad but then I realized: this is the reality of being an adult. It’s not always fun: there are bills to pay, responsibilities to step up to, and random back pains to nurse. Life can feel boring and not so special sometimes, but it can also be fun and exciting at other times.
This episode brought back memories of all the wild dreams and big grown-up plans I had as a kid. I imagined owning a dress that could change colours with the push of a button. I dreamed of building a city of my own where less fortunate people could live freely on their own terms, complete with our own currency and society. I pictured myself as a famous, best-selling author and poet, who just wrote weird stuff. I was also convinced I could find the end of a rainbow. I even planned to turn a perpetual motion machine into a generator and invent a spray to replace CFCs and fix the ozone layer.
Today, I am nowhere near achieving most of these imaginations, not only because they weren’t realistic but because…life.
Nobody told me about the boringness of being an adult and those little hard-to-come-by eureka moments that make life feel a little more awesome. You know the little wins when you finally get a break, your hard work pays off, you help change someone’s life or make a difference that actually matters.
No, I don’t mean saving the bees, brokering world peace, or reversing climate change. I mean the small things: sharing your journey, your knowledge, your struggles and wins to make someone else’s path a little easier; being kind; complimenting a stranger; and just doing your best not to be an asshole on purpose.
So many hopes and dreams are crushed daily because people feel like they aren’t good enough, or they have failed so many times that trying again feels like complete madness. Some people don’t even start. Added to that is the constant noise of opinions you didn’t ask for, eyes that won’t leave you alone, and the judgy “I-told-you-so”s that want to have the last word.
I think I cried because it felt nice to know that I don’t have to achieve all my dreams, and that’s okay. Even though I’m not 9 like Louise, what I do know is that I will have boring moments, Aha-moments, shitty moments, ups and downs, and a sprinkle of moments when life just feels like ‘Blech!’.
What I can do is try to make life a little easier for those around me and support as many people as possible as they try to make their dreams come true. Yes, I know that copywriting can’t change lives or save the world, but it can give a hardworking business owner the lucky break they’ve been searching for—or land that extra sale that means they can cover next month’s rent.
Many people would rather be doing anything other than what they’re doing right now. How about you? What dream did you have to put on hold because life got in the way? If you could go after it, what would it take? Would you give it a shot? Tell me in the comments below!